Project Investors & Funding


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Position Details
Reference No.
Project Investors & Funding
Employment Type
Full Time
Available Positions
Posted On:
Contact Details
Lomond Property Group
Contact Person
HR Dept.
Job Description


We’re a property development company that believes in the best product for its location regardless of trends.  Every development of ours meets the market demand at that specific time.  We specialize in creating dynamic developments that are targeted to a specific sector of the market.  We always start at the end (consumer demand and experience) and work our way backwards.  We never cut corners or compromise on quality. What we sell “Off the Plan” we deliver on, without exception.    


To source all project funding for each property development in the Limassol area. To source all investors needed for each project. Meaning – to source investors to pay for everything needed form the seed money to any future milestone to achieve 1st tier project funding.  To create and execute attractive financial structures that works for each investor and the company.  To work closely with our lawyers to adhere to all legal company regulator requirements, legal structures and entities that protect the companies interests at all times.


You must be a creative financial entrepreneur.

Have a vast network of investors and lending institutions at your disposal.

Please only individuals who can bring investors to the company need apply.

You must have the necessary experience to structure and sell project funding to investors and financial institutions. 

You must prepare all presentations to potential investors at your own expense.

You will also need to handle and coordinate all the company’s local financial, accounts and legal needs and be proficiently experienced to do so.

We are looking for an individual who is capable, creative and of great integrity. 

Must be able to write and speak English fluently.


An extremely competitive and rewarding package is on offer for the right candidate. However, you must prove by action and by results first. To prove you can perform this position.  There will be a trial period 

Please email a cover letter detailing why you’re the right individual for this incredible position and your current resume to the following email